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Face To Face

Sword Of The Sun Logo

by Zone


Face To Face


In the Name of Allah

Face to Face.
The appearance of distance opposes Our predestined mutual attraction.
My angle of perception forces me to hide my eyes from the very Source
of Your Light.
Consequently this illusion of self is what truly separates us.
Despair seems to permeate each passing moment,
For i am holding, defining and limiting Your every expression.
Burning with red light i see You cannot be with me,
For i have blocked Your way without a smile.
Deliver me into Your darkness,
Cut away my limbs,
Purge my soul.
For maybe, yes maybe only then will I see that Our dynamic interplay
is the very essence of Love,
And that the intricate structure of chaos is constantly revealing its
Perfect resolution.

Stripped of sleep,
Desolation howls through the void,
The retreat from slumber forcing the eye to turn,
Inward and beyond.

Daylight suddenly exposes to the full horror of the waking mind,
Systems of cruelty working through the natural order,
Dislocation and yet...

The sex dance/death dance,
Sates the hunger of the scavenging soul,
With new life, squirming,
Thriving afresh in the cold carcass/womb.

The cleansing process continues...
Stalking a fragmented identity,
Through wastelands of factory and church,
Until beauty is once more discovered,
Glimpsed in the heart of a petrochemical flame.

In the Name of Allah





Treader Of The Dust

Treader Of The Dust


The Scavenging Soul

The Scavenging Soul


'Face To Face' is the 2nd Chapter from 'Beautiful Machine' by Zone


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